Transparency's Edge
I'm thinking about next Monday. Labor Day. While it is a holiday for most, I'll be on a conference call at 7 AM-- one steeped in mystery. While transparency is critical to trust in public science, are there times when it is not warranted? I never even thought about this until today after going under the bus by the folks at Biofortified for taking on a confidential,vacation-time paid assignment with a law firm. They felt that they should know everything I do on my off time in a private arbitration. We (scientists and companies) sometimes work under Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). Me, not so much. But this is very common in all research institutions. My lab has expertise in narrow-bandwidth lighting solutions for plant growth environments. Should have to disclose all of our findings in development in the name of transparency? When a company wants to discuss research or potential funding, it is customary for both parties to sign an NDA. It means that no