About two years ago the internet erupted with a cool kickstarter campaign. The Glowing Plant Project claimed to want to create trees that would light the streets. The concept spread quickly, with prominent pieces on major websites that stoked contributions to the project. It would ultimately raise $484,013. Years later there are no glowing plants even in service as dim nightlights, let alone illuminating our cities. The overselling of this concept was recently reviewed by Antonio Regalato at MIT Technology Review. Natural lighting? That implies using it as a light. Not quite . Today's blog expands on the comments made in Regalato's wonderful article. The Glowing Plant Project thrived on the hype, and did not do itself any favors with a few bad moves that I feel were a bit deceptive, and in the long run, it could have a very negative impact on the perception of edgy science at the public interface. Even today the website makes a very strong claim, and present