Colchicine and COVID19
The response from plant biologists was a unified "YIKES!" Colchicine? Really? That's the stuff we use to wreck biology, or at least give its decedents too many chromosomes. A recent press release exclaimed the therapeutic effects of this regent in the treatment of COVID19. A clinical trial of 6000 planned individuals was performed in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multi institutional study. The study was piloted by the Montreal Heart Institute. Other international institutions are also examining its effect in separate clinical trials. Colchine is derived from the crocus flower, and is best known for its ability to arrest cell division by disrupting the molecular cables that attach to chromosomes. These tiny fibers pull normally pull half of the chromosomes into each new daughter cell. Colchicine disrupts their formation, meaning one cell gets a heavy load of genetic material. In plant biology that can be a good thing. Plants with extra sets of