A Letter to Cornell: Please Stop Sciencing.
A letter arrived on Cornell University Dean Kathryn Boor's desk this week. The same letter was sent to the Board of Trustees. Sixty-seven people from New York State's organic farming community requested that the dean give the Cornell Alliance for Science the boot from the campus. They feel that such efforts have "no place at a Land Grant institution." Alliance for Silence? I'm familiar with the Alliance for Science and have even participated in their training sessions and discussions. I'm know what it is, what it isn't. It is stunning to me that people would complain to university administration that the exchange of scholarly ideas regarding agricultural technology would be objectionable. Well, maybe not so stunning. The headlines at Sustainable Pulse present the argument against Alliance for Science. It is, "We don't like that the evidence fails to support our beliefs, so we want you to stop talking about it." In sho