Ten Years Ago- A Strawberry Genome
One of the joys of publishing a scientific manuscript is the correspondence from the journal that the paper has finally been accepted. Peer review and high journal standards are a slow and deliberate maze to navigate that stand in the way of sharing your prized work. There is one monumental publication in the hundred plus I’ve authored where the research, writing and review processes became a delicate managerial dance between negotiation, combat, finesse, psychology, and arm twisting. This week we celebrate its 10 year birthday, with two sturdy gin and tonics for every piece of birthday cake. The publication of the woodland strawberry genome in February of 2011 was the culmination of efforts from at least 77 scientists. It was a battle from the beginning, and story that few people know and the rest tried to forget. Somehow I became the manager of the project, so the successes and frustrations are still a little fresh even after a decade. The genome sequenced was not that b