Science Denial in Political Candidates;The Importance of a Simple but Telling Question
Back in 2008 Republican presidential hopefuls gathered in an on-stage “debate”. By debate I mean they did what all politicians do regardless of political party- they used the occasion to bend questions to fit their answers and stroke the expectations of smiling partisans counting down to that primary election. The event was typical and boring. Stock answers to non-issues and sidestepping issues that truly matter in our country. But one web-submitted question resonated especially well with me and it should be a mandated question in all political debates from here on out…. “This is a yes-no question… Do you believe in evolution?” The question should have been, “Do you accept the evidence for evolution,” because we don’t have to believe something when it has been substantiated with overwhelming evidence, but these are politicians, not scientists, so we’ll let it slide. The question was posed to Senator John McCain, who enthusiastically said, “Yes.” When asked to the