Let's Drink Weed Killer, Not!
This week controversy ignited when Patrick Moore, a prominent advocate for Golden Rice, was interviewed on the French TV channel Canal+. He correctly claimed that glyphosate was safe enough to drink and not likely causing alleged cancer outbreaks in Argentina. When the host offered him a glass of Roundup herbicide he did not drink it and walked off the set. From the interwebs. Of course, twitter and other opinion outlets of the world's pseudoexperts exploded with the fact that Moore was forced to eat his words rather than drink weed killer. And then the Big M felt compelled to remind everyone that weed killer is not a beverage and that Moore is not representing the company. Once upon a time I did the demo, not hammering a glass of the stuff, but mixing a tablespoon of the working solution into diet Mountain Dew. No big deal. Of course when you do a stunt like this everyone goes completely unhinged, screaming that a scientist endorses drinking weed kille