Special Science Communication Workshop at ASPB

This year's American Society of Plant Biologists annual conference will feature a kick-off session on science communication, framed around the issue of agricultural biotechnology, or GMO technology.

The session will take place on Sunday, July 26th time TBD, but likely about noon, and will focus on effective content and presentation advice for addressing skeptical and concerned audiences.

So as you plan your trip to Minneapolis, MN, figure in some
 time to attend this special session. 

Here's a Blurb! 

Agricultural biotechnology, oftentimes referred to as “GMO technology”, has been safely and effectively used in agriculture for almost two decades. Many new products await approval and could have profound positive impacts that benefit the environment, the needy, the farmer and the consumer. However, public distrust of the technology slows application and invites prohibitive rules and policy changes. The divide between the scientific reality and the public perception is caused by inadequate communication about the technology. This workshop will feature four talks from experts in biotechnology, its application, and effective communication of the topic. The workshop is recommended for an interest in biotechnology communication to discuss how to connect with a concerned public looking for answers in this area.

 Speakers include:
Anastasia Bodnar- USDA, Director of Biology Fortified Inc. 
Kevin M. Folta - University of Florida
JJ Jones - Center for Food Integrity 
Vance Crowe - Monsanto Corporation

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