This is No Victory.
Hearts fluttered and hearts sank. Election returns brought some to ballrooms and others to bathrooms. Others remained too close to call. It appears that the ballot initiatives mandating labels on foods containing ingredients derived from transgenic crops did not pass. But it is no victory. Many will disagree. Grocery manufacturers, seed companies and farmers will claim victory because voters will not mandate what seed they use, or force unneeded hassles of separating products depending on if they contain a single gene or not. However, the anti-farmer, anti-scientific voters that use a ballot box to vote on if science is true will return to the drawing board for two more years. That's a temporary victory to those that spent (wasted) millions to push them back. It should never have gotten that far. Once again a comma defines the sentiment. Worse in watching the persuasive ads for YES and NO, both camps manipulated fear and emotion to influence v...