Not Happy with Kauai GMO Ordinance Decision
I was at the Lihue Farmers' Market on a beautifully warm morning in July. The sun was bright and chickens meandered among shoppers' feet, all with the lush green backdrop of lovely Kauai. I was visiting on the request of the Hawaii Crop Improvement Association, there to help answer public concerns about transgenic (GMO) technology. I was there with Dr. Steve Savage, along with Renee and Kirby Kester (from HCIA) and a local television guy. It was the first day with new people that would become life-long friends (not so much the camera guy). I had wonderful interactions with farmers as well as those opposed to GM technology. Those unhappy with biotech on the island were clearly identified by their red shirts that urged support for County Ordinance 2491, a local initiative that would impose tough (almost impossible) restrictions on the seed companies that shared the island. Kauai is an off-season nursery for mainland seed production. After sampling the sweetest pineapple I