As someone that has followed recombinant DNA technology for almost four decades, I can remember the awakening of the technology. As it moved toward implementation, I remember what activists said. I remember dire predictions of doom and gloom, of horrors and suffering. Most predicted that every animal consuming GM feed would be dead within days, maybe a year if they were lucky... including humans. Here we are 18 years later, and none of those predictions came true. None. Of course, papers like the famous Seralini Lumpy Rat Extravaganza argued that consumption of transgenic crops, or the herbicide used on them, caused massive and grotesque tumors (that the controls got too- but the authors conveniently forgot to show). For over twelve years retired plant pathologist Don Huber has traveled the globe, warning of a GMO-based pathogen that is killing humans and animals that consume the feed. Based on their dire predictions, it is a wonder any of us are still alive. ...