My New Hat
Science sure is cool. However, when I talk about science in public places, and that science doesn't mesh with someone's beliefs, they tend to get prickly. I'd like to think that scholarly, evidence-based discussion can bring those in disagreement to a common ground based on data and its interpretations. However, when all they have is photoshop and time on their hands- they don't talk science- they give me a funny hat.
Better yet, they juxtapose me next to woo-woo former scientist David Suzuki. This gem was floating around the internet, thanks to the folks over at GMO Free USA.
To opponents of transgenic technology, the words they agree with define their allegiance, not critical consideration of data, interpretations or scientific consensus. And to call a publishing scientist "Anti-science" while calling Suzuki "Pro science" when he's the guy on record of being "ashamed by geneticists"...
Plus they gave me a demotion to "Interim Chairman". Geez. Plus they fail to realize that a guy that even is an interim chairman among high-caliber scientists in crop science might know a little more about crop biotech than a guy that published fruit fly genetics papers on in the 1970s. No hard disrespect to Suzuki-- he wrote my favorite Genetics textbook in the 80's and clearly had a distinguished career. But his contemporary understanding of biotech crops is all ideology and not science-based. Sometimes scientists just go batty when they get old and irrelevant.
And what do the comments say? Well there are over 700 Facebook 'shares' of this image, so lots of my stupid mug getting around. Here are just a few comments:
Plus I like this one!
And what's up with Suzuki? They best video is here. Shows his surfacy treatment of the subject.'s-clueless/2695393091001
And what do the comments say? Well there are over 700 Facebook 'shares' of this image, so lots of my stupid mug getting around. Here are just a few comments:
And the bummer is that I'm blocked from GMO-USA, so I can't even respond. Of course, nobody realizes that my lab's research is not funded by Monsanto, never was. In fact over the last five years our University received $21,000 total grant support to one faculty member. That is distributed over three research projects! Clueless.
It reminds us that they speak without evidence and are willing to fabricate information to appease each other and their common beliefs.
It reminds us that they speak without evidence and are willing to fabricate information to appease each other and their common beliefs.
Plus I like this one!
I don't remember when the government told us that Agent Orange was safe. Maybe right after they told us not to drink coke and eat pop rocks at the same time.
And what's up with Suzuki? They best video is here. Shows his surfacy treatment of the subject.'s-clueless/2695393091001
Watch at 4 minutes and listen to him make up insane junk about strawberries, Puzstai and Mick Jagger, rambling in an argument from ignorance-- and then he gets owned. It is fun to watch him squirm, because he's their hero. To his credit, he says he's open to be convinced-- he might just see how taking such stances harm his reputation.
Let's see what happens.
The bottom line is I must be doing something right. When the GMO USA folks take the time to smear a public scientist for talking about science, you know they are on the ropes, and fight their battle using photoshop over facts.
Let's see what happens.
The bottom line is I must be doing something right. When the GMO USA folks take the time to smear a public scientist for talking about science, you know they are on the ropes, and fight their battle using photoshop over facts.