When Terror Fails: Courage and Outrage Ignite

The tragedy at the Boston Marathon was a rookie job.  Sadly it ended in death and injury, so to those it touched it is quite serious and just as horrendous as a jet plane into a skyscraper.  The unexpected instantly changed many lives, and those killed and those surviving feel tragedy forever.

The goal of the perpetrator was to generate fear and terror. Fail. In their place is only anger and courage, and an understanding that we will not tolerate this bullshit and we'll fix it if it happens again.  We will care for those affected.

(Predictions and thoughts ahead)

If the goal of this person, and it was one person, was to generate terror and fear, then it is a major fail. This 34-year-old white male targeted the Boston Marathon.  He wanted to raise fear and terror. Instead he raised anger, resolve and dedication to a bigger ideal.  He picked the wrong event.

The marathon is the ultimate display of human resolve and character, an ability to play through pain, move when you can't move anymore, and do it with remarkable levels of performance.  The athletes lived this, and the crowds knew this.  It is an activity of perseverance.

It is the wrong crowd for a cowardly attack.

I always said that Timothy McVey didn't realize what he could do, or did.  He was a hack, a nut in his patriot cave angry at the world and seeking justice from his own beliefs.   The person that did the Boston bombings is cut from the same cloth, only he didn't have the balls and/or brains to take it further than a couple of low-rent pipe bombs left in a crowded area.

There's no terror here.  No fear.  Sadness, yes, but that only raises anger and action. It won't change us. We'll never go to the finish line of a race through a metal detector and we certainly won't take off our shoes for a marathon.  People are not scared, they're pissed.

They will catch the guy that did this and when they pull him from his loner, suburban Boston apartment he'll be identified as another loser, mad at the world, stoked by fears of the media outlets that tell him of government intrusion and  threats to his crappy "victimized" way of life. If he doesn't go down in a hail of bullets he'll go down with a needle in his arm in 6 years after proudly admitting his indiscretions.

I'm calling the Boston Marathon Bombings a major fail for one dumbass 'patriot'.

Let's watch as my prediction unfolds.

The response will be tempered and measured.  We will not live in fear from this one and there will be no action to adjust the way we do things to accommodate the sickening.  Terrorism fail.

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