As anticipated, bogus and dangerous crackpot cures have been bubbling up during the recent COVID-19 outbreak. We know that hand hygiene is important at this time, and that soap and water are superior to all other methods of virus suppression on your hands. Period. Of course, there are those that shun the offerings of Big Soap and delve into the alchemy cabinet to devise a magical virus shield. Sadly, the folks that shun science and technology in a medical parlance certainly appreciate the technology of the computer, and are glad to share their shaman's crappy guidance with the world. As a guy that hangs at farmers markets and has some crunchy online friends, I am seeing too much quackery. The majority state that homemade hand sanitizers can be made from various ingredients found in any respectable commune's infirmary. At least you'll have supple, sweet smelling hands in the casket. If you don't want to construct your own, or if loc...