Link to Site Where Vandana Shiva Endorses Murder

This week I spoke at Iowa State University, a place where Dr. Vandana Shvia spoke earlier this month.  The audience included some of her supporters, and they were not terribly happy when I uploaded a photo of her along with Oz, Smith, Adams and Babe. 

I also included a screen shot of her website Seed Freedom where she posted the article about the justification of murder for biotech supporters because they are "Monsanto Collaborators", including "scientists, journalists, politicians, (and) food companies". 

The words on her site read, "(someone should) document all the Monsanto collaborators and make sure they are held accountable for their actions... to hunt down and arrest Monsanto collaborators: the scientists, journalists, politicians, food companies and other enablers... teams of “Monsanto collaborator hunters” will likely be offered financial rewards for bringing these individuals to justice."

A screenshot of Dr. Shiva's website on 7/25/14 at 12:37:39 EST. 

The audience had a number of people that reacted, stating that it was not true.  

It is true, this is authentic, I screen-capped it myself.  The entire website was also saved as HTML and re-assembled for your viewing pleasure here. 

The website only lasted a few days before being removed from her website.  My guess is that an endorsement of the murder of journalists and scientists was not supporting her image in a manner that keeps those big-bucks speaking engagements on the calendar. 

I promised to post the link, there it is.  You can crawl into the code and find that it matches that from her website, it is all forensically solid. 

You can judge a book by its cover.  The author knows that too.  That's why a cover might just be torn off if it reveals too much about the actual content and you are no longer interested in purchasing it. 

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